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IT Security – a Strategy not just a Sticking Plaster

From time to time, you may be requested to complete a form to demonstrate your company is serious about IT security.

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Digital Progress made by Business in 2020

Following on from our previous article covering how IT has played a critical role during the pandemic, we wanted to explore the progress business has made in truly adopting digital technology.

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How IT is playing a critical role in the pandemic

As we hit the one-year anniversary of lockdown, most of us would probably say that we never thought we would be where we are now. We are exploring the critical role IT has played during the pandemic.

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Maximising Security for Empty Offices

When we went into lockdown for the first time back in March 2020, office security may have been quite low down your priority list.

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Working from Home – Thriving not Surviving

Over the last year we have all worked from home for more time than we could have imagined.

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Keeping a Tidy Desktop

When was the last time you gave your desktop a good clear out? Yep, we’re betting it was some time ago…

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What is Multi Factor Authentication?

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is effectively an electronic or digital way of double checking you are who you say you are.

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Our Experience of Dynamics

Choosing a CRM system, or indeed any new software, can be a daunting process. We decided to share our experience of Dynamics and what we have learned. Below is a summary of an interview with our MD, Simon Newton.

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Taking the Bait

It seems 2020 has been a bumper year for cyber criminals with SMEs through to corporates falling foul to ransomware attacks including Carnival Cruises, Hackney Council, Garmin, Pitney Bowes and Honda.

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Compliance – What keeps everyone up at night

We talked to the Head of Compliance for a large financial services company and share his insights below, plus what all companies concerned about compliance can take from this.

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