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The Challenge

TSL were moving offices from Marlow to Gerrards Cross. At the same time, they recognised their IT systems and servers were outdated, and wanted to make sure they were relevant for the way their people worked.


Our solution

As we already worked with TSL we understood their business. However, we still took time to talk to them about what they wanted to achieve, and where they saw the business going. We then aligned their IT with the direction and needs of the business.

Having taken a concise brief, we were able to produce a detailed project plan with timelines. We carried out site surveys of the new office and worked with our telecoms partner to ensure there was a fast fibre internet connection, prior to the move. As there was a 90 day lead time for this, it was a critical part of the project.

We migrated the servers from three on premise with a tape backup system, to the cloud and backed up all of the data, before the office move took place.

We then worked on site to move all of the IT and updated it to three virtual servers, plus one on premise server over one working day and a weekend. As the client was already using Office 365, this aspect was seamless.

We provided a member of our team to support TSL’s Head Office staff on site, on the first morning.

The Results

Everybody in the business was able to work from first thing on Monday morning in their new offices, with no IT downtime. TSL’s new IT solutions are
fit for purpose now,but also into the future. Moving them to the cloud as part of the solution, has helped to mitigate some risks too, as well as supporting
their people with working remotely.

What our client says

“Moving offices is always a stressful project, but I certainly didn’t need to worry about the IT, in Riven’s very capable hands. The hard work and meticulous planning made sure everything worked like clockwork – it couldn’t have been better. The project was on time and on budget – sadly a rarity these days. Everybody had been appropriately briefed within Riven, so we were able to speak to several people who were all up to speed. Ryan even came over and worked with the team to give them confidence on their first morning in the new office – that was the cherry on top.

Having access to senior people within Riven gave me huge confidence – it was their biggest sell by a country mile and, in my opinion, it was priceless.

We are confident we have an IT system that is not only right for us now, but futureproofed too. And, even better, our risk profile has reduced by moving to the cloud. Would I recommend Riven? Without a doubt!”

Derrick Hatchett – TSL Projects

Get in touch

If you have any questions then please get in contact. We are always more than happy to help.


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