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The Challenge

Seccombe had purchased new software for their business, and needed their old legacy system completely upgraded.


Our solution

We started with a thorough audit of their existing set up, as well as talking to John Seccombe, the Managing Director, about his plans for the business.

We then created a roadmap detailing a structured and phased implementation to allow for the installation and training of the new software.

We migrated the business to one physical server with three virtual servers – spreading the risk between the cloud and on premise. Automated back up systems were put in place, including back ups at alternative premises.

We installed a new internet connection (fibre ethernet for those that are interested!), that runs voice and data. A new phone system was installed to allow voicemail, remote access, conference calling etc, with a back up circuit and quality of service implemented.

New switches and a network firewall were installed to protect the business. Remote access was set up to allow members of the team to work from anywhere.

The Office 365 suite was set up together with increased security such as encryption and anti virus software.

The Results

A faster, more efficient and modern structure is now in place to take Seccombe forward. The infrastructure works effectively with their new software, and the MD
reports that downtime is significantly reduced.S ignificant time has been saved in dealing with IT issues, helped by ongoing maintenance and support.

What our client says

“I knew overhauling our IT was going to be a mammoth project, as we had an old legacy system. But Riven made the whole thing seamless – I truly couldn’t have chosen a better partner.

They were thorough with their initial audit and analysis; and understood the need for a structured and staged implementation to suit both our budget, and the implementation of our new software.

I have found the support team to be particularly outstanding – any questions or issues have been dealt with extremely efficiently by a team of very professional and capable staff.

Words like “bang on” and “perfect” really do sum up our experience – they have exceeded my expectations. I would heartily recommend Riven to any business owner.”

John Seccombe – Seccombe

Get in touch

If you have any questions then please get in contact. We are always more than happy to help.


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