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The Challenge

Harrisons wanted to migrate to a virtual, cloud based solution to improve on their existing IT infrastructure, as well as reducing the need for physical servers, delivering better data security and flexibility, and reducing their IT costs.


Our solution

Having assessed their current set up, we installed a fully hosted remote desktop environment using Microsoft Azure, together with Microsoft 365 for email. This included a full migration of their existing data, user accounts, systems and processes onto the new platform. We also ensured failsafe protocols were implemented to protect the business in the event of an outage.

Robust security was built in as standard, including multi-factor authentication and controls around data location and access.

Following thorough testing, both inhouse and user acceptance, we increased the server capacity to ensure there was sufficient power to accommodate heavy demand.

In line with our standard practice, we migrated the data over a weekend, ready for launch on Monday. As always, we then provided training and user support as everybody navigated their way around the new system.

The Results

The business had more confidence in their IT, knowing it was built on proven technology with appropriate back up support. As a regulated business, IT security was paramount, and having third party penetration testing to validate their systems has delivered additional peace of mind.

During the recent lockdown, the system has enabled everybody to migrate seamlessly to working from home, which wouldn’t have been possible before. Equally, they have enjoyed the additional flexibility of being able to increase capacity as the business grows.

Crucially, the business achieved its goal of making savings – saving £0000s over a period of time.

What our client says

“We’ve been working with Riven for a number of years now, and we have the upmost faith in them. They deliver a very good service, going above and beyond expectations, backed by excellent communication.

They are incredibly technically adept, giving me confidence that what they recommend is the right approach for the business. Since we have migrated to a fully cloud based system we haven’t looked back. And it’s certainly been a huge bonus when we all needed to work from home.

In our industry we have to be very hot on security, and we know the system is robustly protected. We have had that externally validated recently through penetration testing, with excellent results.

On top of all of this, we have saved tens of thousands of pounds since implementing the system. Would I recommend Riven? You bet I would!“

Warren Sack – Group IT and Communications Manager

Get in touch

If you have any questions then please get in contact. We are always more than happy to help.


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